Wolfram Sauer's opinion on Mindset for success with Monika Sattler
Monika Sattler manages to show participants new perspectives with her passionate and captivating manner. She guides you through thought processes and motivates you to focus on your goals.
Mindset for success with Monika Sattler
Success begins with the mindset – The workshop for managers and teams with cycling record holder Monika Sattler.
The mindset is absolutely crucial, as Monika Sattler knows only too well. She is constantly challenging herself, whether on a personal level in her search for purpose in life or on a sporting level, as she did most recently in 2022 when she cycled all 124 Swiss mountain passes in 26 days.
“With the right mindset, you can achieve anything.”
Monika has been working with leaders and teams for more than 15 years, developing a success mindset with them to gain courage, stay motivated, think innovatively, adapt to constant change and successfully achieve even seemingly impossible goals.
In this workshop, you will learn about the six key factors required to develop a success mindset. Monika Sattler adapts the key factors to the challenges of the participants.
Target Group
Aim of the Workshop
Improve team dynamics through trust, communication and engagement.
Increase motivation.
Build courage and resilience.
To promote adaptation to change.
To promote innovative thinking.
Teaching methods
Self-developed P6 Success Mindset Model
Exciting and real-life case studies from sports to the business world
Applicable and concrete tips for everyday life
Group work
Sequences of the film “Freigefahren”, which was shot about this challenge
Request a workshop with Monika Sattler
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