Workshop with Benjamin Bargetzi - AI, innovation & transformation for SMEs
Workshops and training on AI, digitalisation and transformation for companies to strengthen their future viability and innovative power.
With his experience from large tech companies such as Google and Amazon as well as the international start-up ecosystem, Benjamin Bargetzi works together with the participants on customised and concrete action steps.
Unlock the Full Potential Hidden in your Teams!
Your organisation probably already has the necessary internal knowledge to be successful in your industry in the future. However, you may be missing a person who can help you integrate the different pieces of the puzzle using a systematic methodology. It is important to have someone who has the necessary expertise in business, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation.
Benjamin Bargetzi supports you in finding out which business models, team structures and technologies are best suited to your goals.
Target group
- Executives
- specific teams, in particular from sales, marketing, IT & product development, product management, HR, customer service, research and corporate strategy and planning
Aim of the Workshop
- deriving and defining concrete action plans and immediate next steps
- awakening enthusiasm for the future and self-confidence in the participants
- uncovering and harnessing the long-term and sustainable potential and ideas of employees
- providing specific knowledge about current developments in business, customer needs, and technology/AI
Possible workshop topics are:
1. Successfully shaping digital transformation
Development of customised transformation plans for SMEs, based on best practices from Big Tech.
2. Neuroscience of customer behaviour
Analysing and adapting marketing strategies based on neurobiological findings.
3. Corporate culture of the future
Building a resilient and innovation-promoting corporate culture that endures even in uncertain times.
4. Artificial intelligence and generative AI in SMEs
Practical applications of AI and how these can be utilised specifically for SMEs.
5. Leadership in times of change
How managers navigate their teams through uncertain times and promote innovation in the process.
6. Process optimisation through technology transfer
Implementing efficient processes by using modern technologies and methods from the tech industry.
7. Future scenarios for SMEs
Development of scenarios for the future of the company, taking into account global trends and local needs.
8. Innovation through interdisciplinary collaboration
Promoting innovation through close collaboration between IT, business and other departments.
9. Overcoming the fear of change
Strategies for overcoming fears and uncertainties in transformation processes.
10. Customer-centred product development
Adapting product development processes to the changing needs of customers.
11. Developing business models of the future
Developing and validating new business models that can withstand the challenges of the future.
12. Agile working in SMEs
Introducing and adapting agile working methods to increase efficiency and innovative strength.
13. Technology as a driver of growth
Identifying and integrating relevant technologies to fully utilise growth potential.
14. Sustainability in the corporate strategy
Development of sustainable business strategies that are both economically and ecologically future-proof.
15. Developing employee potential
Strategies for the long-term motivation and potential development of employees through innovative approaches and technologies.
Chances are that your organisation already has the necessary knowledge in-house to be successful in the future of your industry. What may be missing is someone who can help bring these different pieces of the puzzle together with a systematic methodology and the necessary expertise in business, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation to evaluate which business models, team structures and technologies best fit your goals.
Promises 2.0
Benjamin Bargetzi offers interactive business seminars and workshops in which he analyses your organisation’s future viability in detail. He systematically initiates dialogues and knowledge exchanges between participants and helps your teams to develop a future-proof mindset of self-efficacy and positivity. He also provides clear practical suggestions on how you can successfully transform your business models and work cultures. Benjamin Bargetzi draws on his experience in large tech companies such as Google and Amazon and from the international startup ecosystem to develop customised, concrete action steps together with your participants.
Procedure & organisation
Proven methods are:
- lightning Decision Jam
- future scenario mapping
- structured brainstorming
- thesis development and speed evaluation
- design thinking
- storytelling workshops
- innovation & ideation workshops
- gamification elements
Benjamin Bargetzi continuously provides expert input and asks critical questions to encourage interactive employee participation, which leads to effective solutions and deep enjoyment and motivation for the next steps.