Future of Healthcare - new medical technology and artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector
In the coming years, medicine will change more rapidly than ever before in history – and with it the entire healthcare system. Research and digitalisation are the driving forces that will push this process ever further and enable the use and evaluation of enormous amounts of data in a short time.
This is a milestone in terms of our knowledge about people’s health and how they stay healthy, as well as the development, prevention and healing of diseases. This will also change the way medicine is practised.
Future of Healthcare – The Transformation of Healthcare
In the near future, apps, sensors and data-based monitoring will be firmly integrated into our healthcare system and enable significantly better preventive care. This could minimise surgical interventions and make patient care much more efficient thanks to robotics, personalised medicine, AI and the like.
Trends in the healthcare sector are changing our understanding and the roles of all those involved in the healthcare system.
Increasing efficiency in the medical sector
One thing is certain: the medicine of the future will have to be even more efficient than everything that has gone before, and not without reason. Key in this context are various factors such as effective and efficient costing, so that therapies and treatments remain affordable and the individual needs of patients can be optimally served.
Robotics, AI and Co. in the health system
The integration and use of technological innovations in the healthcare system are an important part of modern medicine. Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics already enable new therapeutic approaches and analysis and treatment options.
AI systems could, for example, diagnose diseases much faster than doctors can, or they support the decoding of genomes in the field of medical research.
The future has a lot in store for us in this area – the change just needs to be actively initiated!
Process and structural optimisation in healthcare
Healthcare service providers who offer the entire value chain from a single source, from project development, planning and construction of a healthcare facility to highly specialised services in the commercial, infrastructural and technical areas, will be in demand.
Human resources, process optimisation and management as well as information technology are the areas with the greatest need for action.
IT-supported decision support systems will, for example, support hospital management in decision-making through the provision and target group-oriented preparation of figures, data and facts and make processes more transparent.
The future of modern medicine
Data security, cyber security, workplace safety and patient safety are top priorities in the development of our healthcare system. Which trends will change and shape the healthcare system and medicine of the future in a sustainable and far-reaching way?
In exciting and informative keynotes by our experts, you will learn more about healthcare and the future of medicine.