Vera Schneevoigt
Vera Schneevoigt was Chief Digital Officer of the Bosch Building Technologies division until September 2022. Bosch Building Technologies is a leading international supplier of products and systems for security and communications as well as for building digitization and automation.
Before joining the Bosch Group, Vera Schneevoigt was Managing Director at Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH, where she was responsible for development, production, logistics and purchasing for the product business outside Japan. In this position, her focus included the development and introduction of new technologies against the backdrop of advancing digitalization. She also managed the Group’s development and production site in Augsburg. Prior to this, she was Managing Director at Siemens Enterprise Communications, now Unify, a private equity-led company responsible for plants and logistics.
She was on the board of the Münchner Kreis eV as well as the Münchner Sicherheitsnetzwerk eV until September 30, 2022.
Vera Schneevoigt Lecture Topics & Content:
- Transformation both technological, digital as well as larger and more complex changes in companies (focus on group and international).
- Corporate management
- Women in leadership
- Technology in transformation – especially SW and digital strategy, digital business models
- Development of products, software and hardware
- deep tech
- Production and manufacturing (also semiconductor industry)
- Purchasing and logistics
- Artificial intelligence and deep learning
- Building technology and building digitalization
- IT as an organization and as a corporate asset
- Requirements for policy on topics such as Society 5.0, new work models, demographic change
- Equality and diversity
- Health tech and age tech
- Cooperation between generations (people with experience and young people)
- Community welfare and volunteerism
- Technology and women
- Tech lionesses podcast (tech-lö
- Diversity in life models
- Leadership of large organizations and different leadership models
- Participation in companies
- Private Equity – Merger and Acquisition
- Supply chains
- Automation and robotics
- Mentoring of young women
Vera Schneevoigt advises representatives of federal and state politics on the impact of digitalization on the world of work and attaches great importance to the advancement of women – especially in technical and digital professions. In 2018, she was among the winners of the 25 Women Award of the business platform Edition F and received the Emotion Award “Women in Leadership” in 2020.
After the flood in the Ahr Valley in July 2021 caused catastrophic destruction very close to her home, she founded the #FlutMut initiative to maintain communication about the people and projects in the Ahr Valley.
In September 2022, Vera Schneevoigt left the Bosch Group and thus also ended her 38-year corporate career to devote herself to caring for her parents and parents-in-law in Rhineland-Palatinate together with her husband.
She will maintain and expand her commitment to technology, digitization and the topics of more women in technology, diversity, support for refugees and her mandates in consulting and supervisory boards.
She is an advisory board member of Futura GmbH, an IoT start-up in pest control, as well as a member of the board of trustees of Fraunhofer Aisec, Munich.
Furthermore, she supports Wundernova Bildungswerk gGmbH, Berlin as a trustee and the same applies to WINNovation, Flensburg.
As an advisor, she advises the start-up Devanthro, which deals with robodies and their use in the care sector.
She is also an investor and mentor in the venture network encourageventures e.V..
Together with her husband and their dog Etro, a Rhodesian Ridgeback male, she lives in the Eifel.
Wolfram Sauer's opinion on Vera Schneevoigt
With her experience as a top executive in the technology environment, as a digitalization expert and passionate advocate for diversity and women’s advancement, Vera Schneevoigt is one of the LEADING MINDS of our time.
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