Zurich Männedorf, flexible locations or in your company
1 - 2 days, depending on requirements
Oliver Stoldt's opinion on Deniz Kayadelen – Out of Comfort Zone Workshops
With over 12 years of experience in business consulting, change management and talent management and more than 20 years as an extreme swimmer, Deniz Kayadelen is an expert in pushing her own boundaries – and inspiring others to do the same. Her mission is to help people achieve peak performance and find their self-realisation by unleashing their true potential.
Deniz Kayadelen - Out of Comfort Zone Workshops
Do you want to develop your team’s skills and promote growth? With Out of the Comfort Zone workshops you will improve your leadership skills and realise your potential.
Overview of Deniz Kayadelen’s workshops:
How to Unleash Your Potential and Become a Champion in Everything You Do
Out of Comfort Zone Leadership Certification
How to find your purpose and live your life to the fullest
These workshops are flexibly adaptable to meet the specific needs of your organisation and provide a transformative experience for individuals and organisations.
Target group
Leaders & Teams
interactive elements
creative thinking
collegial exchange
role plays
physical, immersive activities
reflection exercises
theoretical input
Topics of the training modules
dealing with conflicts
effective communication
dealing with limiting beliefs
unlocking potential
change management
talent management
holistic management
personality development
team building
find your inner purpose and vocation
stress management
leadership of the future/ Leading in the digital age
coaching/How to apply coaching methods in employee appraisals and when calling in business partners
Request Out of Comfort Zone Workshops
Are you interested in an Out of the Comfort Zone workshop with Deniz Kayadelen?