Dietrich Grönemeyer: There is only one world for everyone. Time to act.
In his lectures, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer presents his view of people and the community in a generally understandable way.
Dietrich Grönemeyer shows what needs to be done. Urgent.
The Corona pandemic has startled the world and awakened doubts about our egoistic activities, about those of people, countries and nations. It became clear what would have to happen for us to find a better way of living together again.
In his talks, probably Germany’s best-known doctor talks about what we all too often forget, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life as well as in the intoxication of happily created prosperity: that we are equals among equals, that our life is a gift, that we should balance body, soul and mind and strive to live diversity with faith, freedom and tolerance.
But much of this is simply a matter of the attitude with which we approach life. In clear words that speak to the heart, Prof. Dietrich Grönemeyer shows what ails the world, how it can recover and that it is time to finally act. Now.