Frank Arnold

Dr. Frank Arnold – His lectures and masterclasses inspire executives to shape successful transformation in their companies.

The central topic of his lectures and masterclasses is the successful design of changes in medium-sized companies. Here he provides concrete impulses for leadership and transformation.

In his lectures, Dr. Frank Arnold offers useful entrepreneurial insights for management teams. As a speaker, he presents serious content with a lot of practical experience in a very entertaining way.

Each lecture topic can be adapted to the individual needs of the company. The goal is to provide concrete impulses for implementation in the practice of medium-sized companies.

Frank Arnold Lecture topics:

Digitalization, AI and leadership: key strategies for a successful transformation.

  • Key strategies for a successful transformation
  • Understanding digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI): Implications for businesses
  • Mastering challenges: Leadership in times of digital transformation
  • Developing digital leadership competencies: Success factors in the digital age
  • Leadership styles and approaches for transformation: Navigating digital change
  • Agile organizational structures and a corporate culture that promotes innovation
  • Communication and collaboration: Key to the transformation process
  • Change management: Successful change processes in the digital era
  • Technology and innovation: leadership in the age of digital opportunities
  • Employee development and talent management for the digital future
  • Measuring success and continuous improvement: evaluating the progress of digital transformation

This talk presents numerous insights, practical suggestions and strategies for leading transformation through digitalization and AI. It illustrates how companies can overcome the challenges of change and become successful in the digital era.

Leadership Journey – Insights for successful transformation

  • The transformation of the leadership role: demands and expectations in the digital age
  • Self-reflection and self-development: The importance of personal growth for successful leadership
  • Vision and strategy: How leaders shape the path to transformation
  • Emotional intelligence and empathy: The role of emotional competence in leadership
  • Communication and collaboration: leadership through effective sharing and teamwork
  • Agile leadership and adaptability: the need for flexibility and resilience in transformation
  • Innovation and change management: leaders as drivers of innovation and change
  • Employee engagement and development: leadership through talent development and team building
  • Cultural change: the importance of corporate culture and values in transformation
  • Measuring success and continuous improvement: how leaders evaluate and drive progress and change

The presentation offers practical insights and impulses for the implementation of a successful Leadership Journey. It shows how leaders can leverage their personal and professional skills to achieve successful transformation in their organizations.

Customers at the center of success: The power of customer orientation

  • The importance of customer centricity: why the customer should be at the center of everything you do
  • Understanding customer needs: Market segmentation and targeted customer analysis
  • Exceeding customer expectations: Tailoring product and service offerings to meet customer needs
  • Building and maintaining customer relationships: Trust and loyalty as keys to success
  • Effective communication: The right approach and interaction with customers
  • Digital channels and technologies: Customer proximity and customer experience in the digital world
  • Personalization and individualization: Tailored offers for different customer groups
  • Using customer feedback: Systematic collection, analysis and implementation of customer opinions
  • Employees as ambassadors of customer orientation: The role of leadership and corporate culture
  • Innovation and customer focus: How companies tap into new market opportunities through customer focus
  • Measuring success and continuous improvement: customer orientation as a performance indicator and growth driver

The presentation offers a variety of insights and concrete impulses for the implementation of customer orientation and shows how companies can put their customers at the center and thereby be successful.

More than 20 years of experience:

Dr. Frank Arnold has gained extensive experience from over 300 change projects with companies in all industries.

For over 20 years, he has accompanied companies in establishing strategy and transformation processes in which the collective intelligence of the company is optimally utilized. In his Leadership Journeys as well as in the FLYWHEEL method he developed, he has brought together his experience in strategy, transformation and implementation management. The processes and methods enable companies to achieve their strategic goals effectively and efficiently.

In the implementation he accompanies entrepreneurs, board members, managing directors and decision makers:

  • Flywheel Concept: Acting together – achieving results.
  • Transformation: Successfully shaping transformation processes
  • Leadership Journey: Implementing leadership development

With over 100,000 books sold to date, consulting mandates with leading medium-sized companies as well as internationally active corporations, and many lectures and seminars attended each year, Dr. Frank Arnold is considered a high-profile expert on transformation and corporate development in Germany and Switzerland.

Testimonial on Frank Arnold:

“Frank Arnold opened up new perspectives and inspired our managers at our management retreat with his presentation on the key question “What do we need to do together to successfully shape our transformation?”. He explained the dynamics of change in an impressive way and made it clear why change is progressing ever faster – and why we as an organization need a profound transformation in order to remain successful in the long term.
Particularly noteworthy was his emphasis on the need for leadership in times of change. Frank Arnold made it unmistakably clear that responsible and future-oriented leadership is particularly important in this phase in order to successfully shape the process. Another key topic was the responsibility that we all have to take on together. Transformation cannot succeed without the active and comprehensive participation of each individual.
With his clear and motivating manner, he encouraged all participants to get actively involved in the change process and take responsibility. The messages of his presentation were concise and inspired us as a management team to tackle the challenges of change with determination and cohesion. We are grateful for the valuable impulses and look forward to implementing the learning processes in our company!”

Dr. Fabian Schmidt, CEOLufthansa CityLine GmbH

Oliver Stoldt's opinion on Dr. Frank Arnold

Learning from the best. Frank Arnold offers solutions for today’s challenges and strategies for tomorrow. Leadership, agile organizational structures, change and employee development – with impulses and inputs from Frank Arnold you will become fit for the future.

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