Thomas Sattelberger
Thomas Sattelberger is an innovation expert, publicist, investor and founder. Issues of transformation and the innovative capacity of politics, business and society are central to his work.
Thomas Sattelberger was a long-standing member of Lufthansa’s Airline Board of Management and HR Director at Continental and Telekom. He is the inventor of the women’s quota in German companies. He was a member of the German Bundestag (FDP) from 2017-2022 and Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in 2021/2022.
Thomas Sattelberger is the most successful German politician on TikTok and a sought-after speaker, panellist and expert on the topics of transformation, innovation, talent and diversity.
Thomas Sattelberger Lecture topics
- Radically New – Against Mediocrity and Relegation in Politics and Business. An insider’s critical view of leadership in business and politics
- New Work – New Business – New Society
- Sustainably digital for high-quality education
- Radically reinventing schools and education
- Companies become talent biotopes or go under
- Innovation ecosystems lifeblood for Germany’s future
How to achieve personal and social change!
Thomas Sattelberger’s central theme as a top manager, top politician and private individual has always remained the same:
How can people, companies, institutions and societies be empowered to fulfil their potential in the best possible way?
In his view, the central prerequisite for this is a culture of permanent change, the willingness to embrace radical renewal. And this is precisely what we lack today in a time that is characterised by radical change like no other in recent decades. If we continue as before, further decline is inevitable – politically, economically and socially. We can no longer afford personal mediocrity.
With a critical insider’s view of current developments in politics, society and business, Thomas Sattelberger shares his vast wealth of experience on the subject of transformation, including his own personal experience. And he sketches a positive picture of the future of an entrepreneurial innovation society that demands a lot of new things from all of us, especially from our leaders, and in doing so, is creating new creativity, freedom and prosperity.