Paul von Preußen

Paul von Preußen is an entrepreneur and speaker for Generation Z.

He sees himself as a bridge builder and focuses on the topics of digital natives and the young generation, change management, digitalization and social media for managers.

As a company founder and direct descendant of the last German emperor, Paul Wilhelm Prinz von Preußen is particularly interested in cross-generational dialog. He uses innovative formats to bring together experienced managers and digital natives in order to promote a fruitful exchange.

True to the motto: “It’s better to learn a foreign language from a native speaker than from someone who took a language course 10 years ago.”

Growing up in a traditional family, he gained experience in the digital sector early on and managed digital projects at a major German bank at a young age. At the age of 25, he became a board advisor and founded – a platform that realizes his vision: to connect managers and digital natives from different organizations in order to jointly develop new perspectives on the greatest digital challenges of our time. His goal: to understand and actively shape the future across generations.

Paul von Preußen Lecture topics

1. Digital Natives & New Leadership

Leading Digital Natives – Understanding Generations Z and Y better and lead them:

  • How do I learn from and with the younger generations?
  • What kind of interaction is promising and harmonious?
  • Numerous insights, approaches & examples.

Also: Presentation of innovative formats such as reverse mentoring. Why a Gen-Z mentor should be a MUST HAVE for every executive and what positive influence this mentor on the future of the company.

2. Trends & Tools of Generation Z

Gen-Z & Young Generation Trends:

  • What makes the new generation tick?
  • What digital tools and channels does it use (and how) and why do they play such a big role?

Better understand the future generations (as customers and employees). Understand, new tools and products, concrete approaches for me or my organization.

3. Social Media for Executives

  • The Social “CEO” – No executive can do without the potential of social media: Why social media know-how will be a hiring criterion for board members and top executives in the future and how the company will benefit from it.
  • Corporate influencers – employees as brand ambassadors and/or social selling: strengthening the company from within – best practices for selecting, building profiles, online activity and activating/managing employees as corporate influencers.

Tradition meets future

How do you handle it when tradition and the future collide? How do you support this change so that both sides benefit? On these and other topics, Paul Wilhelm von Preussen, who has worked for years with corporate executives as a board advisor and is himself both a digital native and an executive, will provide fascinating insights on these and other topics.

Wolfram Sauer's opinion on Paul von Preußen

Paul von Preußen is an entrepreneur, digital expert and bridge builder between tradition and the future. He provides managers and companies with valuable impetus for digital transformation. His presentations are inspiring, practical and interactive – peppered with fresh perspectives from Generation Z and in-depth knowledge of change management, digitalization and social media. Anyone who wants to understand and shape future-oriented leadership and successful collaboration between experienced decision-makers and digital natives should definitely experience Paul von Preußen as a speaker!

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